HostDime is Proud to be a WordCamp Orlando Sponsor


WordPress beginners, coders, designers, and everyone in between will descended on Orlando this weekend, December 1st, for WorldCamp Orlando. Inc. is proud to be a sponsor for this exciting event.

“We at HostDime are very excited about sponsoring WordCamp Orlando 2012”, says Dennis Henry, Vice President of Operations. “The WordPress community is a vibrant and exciting one that we are happy to be involved with, and help further the community and it’s goals.

“At HostDime, we are big proponents of open source technology, using various projects including CentOS and OpenVZ, and WordPress exemplifies the open source mantra with it’s user-driven development and design. Without great networking events like WordCamp, WordPress wouldn’t be as far as it is today, and we are proud to be part of that tradition.”

David P, web developer for HostDime, will be one of the many talented speakers presenting this year. He has worked with WordPress for over five years. With thousands of visitors to HostDime sites every day, security is always on the top of David’s mind.

The event will be held at the Rosen College of UCF Hospitality Management. HostDime has a close relationship with the University of Central Florida and often hire students and graduates as full time employees.

As of November 28th, there’s only 41 tickets left, so grab your ticket now and we’ll see you there!


Jared S. is HostDime’s technology writer. Add him on Google+ and Instagram.

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