Misc / Support

For Our Customers: The HostDime cPanel Guide

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Whether you’ve been working with cPanel for days or years, sometimes there’s a change you need to make and you’re not sure how to do it. All HostDime customers have the option of Live Chat or our Ticketing System for assistance. And now we present, exclusively to HostDime customers a comprehensive and informative cPanel Guide written by Aric P., Manager of Linux Advanced Support for HostDime.com.


How I Fell in Love with Twitter

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How I Fell in Love with Twitter

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that social media has practically revolutionized the way people communicate with one another. What began with simple rotary dial telephones has now evolved into something of an Internet insurrection. As someone who generally rejects the latest in technological crazes and fads, I’m not ashamed to say that I fought off joining Facebook, held off on signing up for Twitter, avoided Linkedin at all costs, and flat out declined membership with Pinterest.

Press Releases / Promos

HostDime Partners With Comodo To Offer New SSL Promotion

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Global hosting provider HostDime.com, Inc. and security solutions provider Comodo have recently announced a new SSL Certificate initiative that will allow existing HostDime customers to receive a free 1-year Comodo SSL certificate. The Comodo SSL features highest industry standard 256-bit encryption, 99.9% browser recognition, unlimited server licensing and an industry-leading $250,000 warranty. The Comodo SSL certificate also includes a dynamic Comodo Trust Logo which displays the authenticity of the website and corresponding warranty information providing confidence to website visitors.


Ideal Appliances for Businesspersons on the Go

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Ideal Appliances for Businesspersons on the Go

Being industrious seems to be a virtual prerequisite in every businessperson’s life. Sometimes having a high octane job simply comes with the territory. While some corporate executives and go-getters are able to successfully balance a hectic work life with time at home, others merely cannot. Perchance there’s an explanation for that. Children can get in the way. The spouse requires attention. Dinner has to be cooked, and there’s laundry to be done. All of this could be just as tedious as a taxing business meeting. However, with modern day advances in technology, some household duties have become a bit easier to manage.


The Reason Why I Quit Facebook

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Why I quit Facebook

Addiction, a word defined as a compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal, can also apply to social media. Yes, you heard it here. Don’t ask me if this theory has been proven or if this study is making headlines. Just go with me on this, okay? You see, I know about addiction – not because I’ve ever been high on angel dust or strung out on my mother’s signature corn casserole. No, I know about dependence and compulsion because just last month I found myself with an obsession of sizeable proportions – Facebook.


Parallels Summit a Success for HostDime

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HostDime at Parallels

Dozens of interested web developers and enthusiasts flocked to Parallels Summit 2012, an event held last week in Orlando, FL, as HostDime.com Incorporated enlightened and enthralled supporters and admirers of web hosting and social media. The summit, an annual occurrence that was held in the Gaylord Palms hotel, ran from February 14 through 16, and focused on the essentials of social media in addition to the role of Cloud services in the marketplace. Different technology companies such as Google and OpenSRS were among the businesses invited to set up booths for interested devotees.


What is Web Hosting?

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What is Web Hosting?

Many of us in the web hosting industry have been there where even some people who may see themselves as techie, don’t actually know what web hosting is when you say. Of course every time you have to go home for holidays your family asks you for the umpteenth time, “What exactly do you do again?” Because we know there are many people out there that don’t exactly understand what web hosting is, we decided to write this blog post so that if you don’t have a deep understanding of it that this can help clear it up. This blog post is also so that you can give your friend a link here the next time he asks what exactly you do as when you’re working from home as a web hosting reseller.


We’re at Parallels Summit 2012

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The HostDime Team is at Parallels Summit 2012 today. If you are at the conference, be sure to stop by and score the cool HostDime glasses! This year they’re in black. Also, get an opportunity to meet with HostDime team members — Usman A., Alex F., Hector S., Alex V., Dan S., Vikki F., and Clayton P. We’re enjoying all of the great web hosting industry classes and a great chance to meet and greet with some of the best in the business.


Effective Business Communication: Skype vs ooVoo, Vonage, and Google Talk

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Vonage and Google Talk

When it comes to effective communication there is nothing worse than being disconnected. In this day and age, most businesses and corporations utilize more than mere telephones to stay in contact with employees and executives. With global conglomerates and international firms rapidly growing across the world, some businesspersons have come to rely on video conferencing and instant messaging as an unfailing means of effective communication. We’ve decided to further analyze the best in this kind of software. This time, we will not only examine ooVoo and Skype, but Vonage and Google Talk as well in an effort to indicate which one is better for business and communication.

Misc / Promos

Where’s Alex? Round #4

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Where's Alex?

Our world traveler is at it again! Alex has traveled to a different part of the globe and is taking pictures along the way. This month he stopped in a very special place and managed to snap a photo in the process. What landmark has Alex graced his presence with this time?