
What is the Most Compatible Hosting Platform for You?

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Choosing the best hosting platform for your website(s) can be very challenging and confusing. In order not to be mislead, you will first need to outline the future plan of your website(s) for the upcoming year. If you are planning on creating a website(s) that will grow in the future (or you plan on running a huge database with heavy web traffic), it would be wise to choose a Web Host that contains the four different hosting services in case you need to upgrade your processing power, memory capacity, disk storage or security features.

The four types of hosting platforms consist of Shared Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting Solutions and Dedicated Server Solutions. We will analyze each one of these hosting services and clarify which platform is compatible with your needs.


3 Promotion Strategies that can increase your Web Traffic

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Web Traffic is one of the strongest indication of how successful your online business is running. Without visitors, your company has no one to sell products or services to! Companies spend thousands of dollars paying for advertising agencies, the ‘middle-man’, to cover their marketing strategies. However, today’s digital world has completely shifted the responsibilities of promoting to the business owners, and excluded the entire middle process.

Will it cost you more money?


Essential Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Plan

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Choosing your marketing strategy online is one of the most vital elements in exposing your brand, product or even service to your target market. In fact, according to Nielsen’s, “member communities” are now used by more than 67 percent of the global online population.

In today’s booming social network environment, it is necessary for businesses to be more resourceful with their time, and even more effective with what and whom they connect with. There are two specific types of “social networkers” online, the posters and the seekers. It is mandatory for your business, the poster, to post information, resources, tips and offers on a daily basis for your customers, the seekers.

Sounds pretty simple, right?

Dedicated Servers

Is it time to upgrade to a Dedicated Server?

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Guest post by: Jonathan E.

Dedicated Server Specialist

A dedicated server provides an isolated environment for hosting accounts or other services, and gives you unparalleled configuration options that cannot be found within a Shared server. The most common indicator of a necessary upgrade is the exhaustion of CPU and RAM resources, due to a large amount of web requests.

Determining the type of hardware needed to support those requests depends on many factors, which can be analyzed by our Dedicated Server Team. Shared and Reseller accounts that are currently hosted with HostDime include cPanel, and will be migrated as a courtesy if an isolated solution is required. If a client is currently using an alternative control panel, our Transfers department will be glad to provide an ample amount of assistance to complete the move.


HostDime Customers Get Attracta SEO Tools At No Cost

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HostDime, a global leader in shared hosting, dedicated hosting, reseller hosting, and cloud hosting, will give its thousands of customers Attracta’s SEO tools at no cost. Attracta’s suite of easy-to-use SEO tools and services are now integrated directly into HostDime’s cPanel interface, providing customers with the opportunity to increase their search engine rankings and site traffic.

Press Releases

cPanel Expands to South America Via HostDime and Fast Update Service

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cPanel, a company that develops web hosting software and has a strong performance record in North America, will now expand its success and brand name to the South-American region via its Fast Update service with HostDime’s data center in Brazil. The recent growth in this area, backed by support from HostDime, represents one of the business decisions that will allow cPanel to support new and emerging markets.


HostDime Partners with Attracta for SEO Plugin

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Guest post by: Dan Silber

VP of Sales

HostDime has partnered with Attracta to provide all customers on our Shared and Reseller servers a free SEO plugin for cPanel.

A few quick facts about local search and advertising:

A recent report by comScore for Yellow Pages Association shows that the number of mobile subscribers accessing business directories on a mobile phone increased 14 percent year-over-year to 17.3 million users in March 2010.

It is also estimated that 95% of Google’s Revenue comes from it’s Google AdWords service. That means in Q3 of 2010 advertisers spent roughly $3 billion on paid advertising through Google and it’s affiliated sites.


It’s a trap! Phishing Scams and Malware

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Guest post by: Jonathan S.

Abuse & Security Analyst

Phishing scams and malware infected sites are some of the many problems that the Abuse & Security Department is in assigned to handle here at HostDime. It’s also one of the most common issues that we will find when clients inform us of warning labels placed on their sites.

Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers are featured with “Phishing and Malware Protection” which will alert the visitor that the page they are about to view may try to steal their information. The alert message is spawned from a published list of known attack sites which is maintained by Google and StopBadware.org.

The primary reason this message will appear is either a phishing scam attempting to lure the visitor into updating their personal information on fake (but very real looking) website, or malicious scripts that have been injected into the source of the website which cause your browser to download malware.


Resolving 500 Internal Server Errors

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Guest post by: Paul A.

Server Analyst III

One of the most common support requests we receive is regarding 500 Internal Server Errors. The 500 error itself covers a vast range of possibilities. This specifically covers common PHP 500 errors running on servers utilizing suPHP (all of our shared and reseller servers utilize suPHP).

The most common cause for the error is permissions. In a suPHP environment, PHP files and directories that they are executed from cannot be writeable by group or everyone (maximum of 755 permissions). Ensure that all PHP files are 755 or less, and the directories that they are in have permissions of 755 or less as well.

Errors can also be caused by php_flag or php_value entries in an .htaccess file. Since suPHP runs as CGI and not as module like mod_php, it cannot be controlled through an .htaccess. Any php_flag or php_value entries will cause a 500 error on a suPHP server.

A 500 error can also be caused by a malformed PHP header that contains a non-printable character prior to the PHP tag opening. This will cause a premature end of script headers error and a 500 error.