
HTML Cheat Sheet for Quick Reference

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html cheat sheet

HTML is short for “HyperText Markup Language”, a language that uses ordinary text for describing websites. HTML is written with HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets. Most tags must have a opening and closing part. HTML tags are the hidden keywords inside a site that helps the browser display the content. Enjoy this cheat sheet for quick reference when you are building content for your website. This is just the basics; add to this list in the comments below.


10 People and Brands Who Excel at Vine

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who to follow on vine

Mobile video sharing app Vine is celebrating it’s one year anniversary this month, and it’s come a long way in a short time, much like it’s maximum video run-time of six seconds. The video loop design is perfect and mesmerizing for the low attention span of the information age. Vine was bought by Twitter in October, added to the iPhone store in January, and now the Android device this month. Vine is the most used video-sharing application in the market, with Instagram Video fast on it’s heels.

Surpass’ parent company HostDime uses Vine for contests and fun moments behind the scenes. But we have a long way to go to reach the artistry and creativity shown by these 10 people and brands who are excelling at the art of Vine.