The Benefits and Myths of Dedicated IP Addresses

dedicated ip address explanation

A dedicated IP address is a single IP address reserved for a single client and isn’t shared with others. It is a unique online address to your website alone. That’s the short story. For a more nuanced look, read on to familiarize yourself with the benefits and myths regarding dedicated IP addresses.

The Benefits of a Dedicated IP Address

SSL CERTIFICATES: A dedicated IP is needed if you want a SSL certificate on a website. SSL certificates are essential for e-commerce sites, because of the secure transmission of sensitive information like credit card numbers and personal information. If you have any sort of log-in form where customers enter a username and password, then an SSL certificate is highly suggested. One simple security warning can wreak havoc on your sales and conversions.

NAMESERVERS: Dedicated IP addresses enable clients to access their server directly without changing DNS settings for the domain name.

The Myths of a Dedicated IP Address

SEO BENEFIT: There’s plenty of articles out there claiming that a dedicated IP address has SEO benefit because of the alternate of potentially spammy shared IP addresses; here’s Google’s former head of Search Quality Matt Cutts regarding this:

While the search engines don’t care about your IP address you are hosted on, they do care about the IP addresses linking to you. Having a bunch of websites with the same shared IP address linking to your website is not good.

EMAIL BLACKLISTING: Some websites claim email sent from your website will be marked as spam and your email account will be blacklisted because your IP is shared with hundreds of other clients. This is not entirely true. For the majority of clients, your emails will not be marked as spam because email service providers have multiple IP addresses for separation; send the good email through the clean IP address and the spam through the dirty IP.

RELATED: How HostDime Keeps You Off the Email Blacklist

A dedicated IP address for email should be considered if you have a large list size and you’re sending out tens of thousands of emails a day.

HostDime Dedicated IP Pricing

Each new HostDime dedicated server comes with a /29 vLan by default (8 total IPs, 5 usable). Due to the limited availability of dedicated IPs, there is an additional monthly charge for more IPs.

Monthly Subnet Prices For VLAN Servers:

  • /29 IP allocation (5 usable IPs) – $15.00/month
  • /28 IP allocation (13 usable IPs) – $40.00/month
  • /27 IP allocation (29 usable IPs) – $85.00/month
  • /26 IP allocation (61 usable IPs) – $180.00/month
  • /25 IP allocation (125 usable IPs) – $375.00/month
  • /24 IP allocation (254 usable IPs) – $760.00/month

The IP addresses available today for the Internet are scarce, and because of this our upstream bandwidth providers require a report of the current use of the IP addresses assigned to our network before a new bank of IP’s may be issued.

If you can justify any number of IP addresses then we will provide them to you. All we require is an explanation of how many you need, the domain it is for, and why you can’t use name-based hosting for them instead.

In order to keep our network as secure as possible for our clients, we strictly abide to ARIN’s regulations.

You can request additional IPs from your Core account. If you are a HostDime managed client and have any issues regarding dedicated IP addresses, please feel free to open a ticket or live chat with our Sales team.

[divider], Inc., a Global Data Center Company offers an array of cloud products which include managed services for dedicated servers, VPS (Virtual Private Servers) and colocation. owns and operates data centers in Orlando, Florida as well as India, Mexico and Brazil, with facilities in Colombia, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom., Inc. was founded in 2003 and has over 250 employees in seven countries. Presently ranked among the top 50 hosts in the world,, Inc. hosts over 5,000,000 domains/applications, and has a focus on reliable, high-quality managed cloud hosting products with exceptional support.

Jared Smith is HostDime’s Content Strategist.