How to Achieve the Fastest Resolution to Your Support Ticket

i need a quicker response to my support ticket

HostDime managed customers are provided live, local technical support twenty-four hours per day every day of the year. We pride ourselves on answering support tickets at breakneck speed, but we can be even faster with your help.

In order to receive the quickest support, it is helpful for us to have as much detail as possible. We will get to the bottom of your “my website is down” ticket, but this will require multiple back-and-forth interaction to properly fix the issue.

Here’s some helpful information to include in your managed cPanel server support ticket for the most prompt solution. Write all that applies:

  • cPanel username and password attached to the server.
  • Have your PIN number handy for site changes; your PIN is located on your Core dashboard.
  • Your domain name.
  • What software / version is your CMS?
  • Full description of the problem.
  • How can we replicate the problem?
  • Any prior history or reoccurrence of the problem? When did the issue begin?
  • Are you receiving any error messages? If so, what specific error is it?
  • Did you change anything recently that might have caused this problem?
  • What result are you expecting from us?

If you are a colocation client, be sure to include the cabinet location, physical name of your device, and go into detail regarding the problem and what you would like done.

While you wait for a response, perhaps your question has already been answered over at the HostDime Resources page. Search for your problem to see if an article has been written on the topic.


Jared Smith is HostDime’s Content Strategist.