The world of business has always been a constantly evolving one. The average businessperson is now hardly ever relegated to their office. On the contrary, most corporate professionals and entrepreneurs are on the go. To that end, they tend to utilize the best in what technology has to offer — whether it is in communication or even web hosting. Lately, smartphones, tablets and laptops have been playing a key role in business activities — and it doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.
Just ask the folks at Apple. After Mac computers succumbed to not one, but two vicious virus attacks earlier this month, the former wiping out 600,000 computers, the company is back in the news again — this time for a more positive reason. Apple has now announced that their next edition of their beloved iPhone will be made of LiquidMetal, a revolutionary class of patented alloy. According to Mashable, the device will be available in October and will have a totally redesigned body. Furthermore, it will also run on 4G data networks such as LTE.
Pretty cool, right?
Reports found on InformationWeek state that Apple spent $30 million acquiring the rights to use LiquidMetal back in 2010. So far, the remarkable substance has only been used in small objects, such as the SIM ejector tool that ships with the iPhone and a few iPads. The alloy is made of copper, nickel, titanium, zirconium and other materials that have been put through a patented bonding process.
One word — wow.
This new phone will no doubt sell fast and will probably be a useful tool for businesspersons on the go. Why wouldn’t it be? With as many features as iPhones usually have, the iPhone 5 will of course come loaded with more — including all of the typical apps that businessmen and businesswomen love and adore. It seems to be an accepted fact that apps are indeed a dime a dozen. In fact, they’ve now become something of a trend. However, with as many businesspersons out their finding custom made apps for their own respective businesses, are the individuals in the web hosting profession having the same luck?
Performancing, a media company focused on digital marketing and branding needs, recently compiled a list of 10 Android apps for individuals interested in web hosting. While none of them are on the iPhone, it could certainly be a step in the right direction. Among the list of choices that they compiled were Magic Color Picker, an app that helps website designers choose the right color theory for their page; HTML Cheat Sheet, an app that helps people remember various HTML tags on the go; Server Density which helps web host providers keep track of their server’s load average — which, for HostDime, would be our fully managed dedicated server hosting, or practically anything found in our datacenter — memory usages and running processes, and Google Analytics enabling people to examine all aspects of their website’s traffic.
So, perhaps there is a little light at the end of the tunnel. The fact of the matter is that times are definitely changing. Whether a person is into web hosting or baking, it pays to keep up. To that end, perchance it’s ideal to have the latest in tablets and smartphones.
Keeping up with the Joneses has never been so pivotal.
What do you think of Apple’s new upcoming iPhone 5? Do you own a smartphone and a tablet? Do you use it for business? Let us know by sharing your comments in the box below, or by sounding off on our Facebook Page or Google+ Page, or by tweeting us at @HostDime.