We are almost halfway through August, a boring month with no holidays. Or so you thought. For instance, did you know today is Left Handed Day? 10 percent of the population has permission to go wild today and celebrate their southpawness. For the rest of us, here’s 10 other holidays still in August that are worth celebrating.
How is 95th Percentile Bandwidth Billing Calculated?
This post will educate and help clarify the Mbit/95th Percentile bandwidth billing for clients who have paid overages or have questions about the calculations.
A Step-By-Step Guide to Improving Visibility with Google Authorship
Earlier this year, Google introduced Authorship, which is perhaps the most influential change in 2013 that can affect search results.
Why You Should Host Your Own Blog
Having full control of your blog and its contents is well worth the little investment required to self-host.
How to Divorce Google
I’ve been in a decade long relationship with Google, and while it’s never been stale, it’s time for a separation. Here’s how to leave Google in 10 steps.
HTML Cheat Sheet for Quick Reference
HTML is short for “HyperText Markup Language”, a language that uses ordinary text for describing websites. HTML is written with HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets. Most tags must have a opening and closing part. HTML tags are the hidden keywords inside a site that helps the browser display the content. Enjoy this cheat sheet for quick reference when you are building content for your website. This is just the basics; add to this list in the comments below.
Why You Need a Personal Domain Name
The best domain name is your own name. The worst domain name is based on your job, current event, or an interest because those things may fade away, while your name is forever.
The Top 10 Instagram Trends
We compiled a list of the top 10 Instagram trends, illustrated entirely by HostDime Instagram photographs.
How to Configure Remote Backups in cPanel
HostDime offers in-house remote storage service as an add-on to any hosting account.
What the Near Future Holds for Driverless Cars and Data Centers
Google’s driver-less cars may be here sooner than you think.