
Is the New MySpace Worth Your Time?

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new myspace worth it

Ah, MySpace the social media dinosaur from 2003. It was really one of the pioneers in social sharing. You could upload pictures, add friends and write on friends walls. Some people didn’t actually have to be friends. There were the army of friends you had in Mafia Wars and friends of friends just to have as many friends as possible.

Recently I started hearing rumblings that MySpace was new again and I went to check it out. “Oh Hi, Justin Timberlake! How you doin?”


The Best Google Chrome Apps For Web Developers

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best google chrome apps for web developers

There’s a lot to love about Google Chrome’s web based applications. They are designed to be used entirely within the browser, they install in seconds, they are available on any computer, they are always up to date, and they won’t crash your computer. With thousands of Chrome apps available, there’s plenty of great choices for web developers and hosters. We’re going to highlight the fifteen best Google Chrome apps for web developers that are worth downloading.