If your website or blog begins with https://, you have likely received an uptick in Google’s rankings. Google says that for now, HTTPS is a lightweight signal, but experts believe it will become stronger in the near future.
Hosts: Protect Yourself from Fraud through Verification
Fake sign-ups are a constant annoyance for web hosting businesses. If you are just starting out in this industry, you likely don’t have a sales team to thwart fraudsters.
If you have simple plans in place, you can go months without chargebacks. Follow these easy steps to prevent an enormous loss of money.
New Years Resolutions to Better Your Business in 2015
Fix your weaknesses and improve your strengths for complete domination of your industry by working on these New Years resolutions for your business.
Come Along for a Video Tour of HostDime’s Corporate Office
Welcome to HostDime’s brand new Corporate Headquarters. The opening of this office comes on the heels of a massive expansion of HostDime’s DimeNOC data center.
Bookmark These Websites to Become a Web Hosting Expert
Look at our list of the best blogs, forums, magazines, and subreddits for staying up to date in the constantly evolving world of web hosting.
iSummit 2014 SlideShare Recap
Members of HostDime’s customer relations and marketing teams were fortunate enough to attend iSummit 2014, which took place this Monday and Tuesday in downtown Orlando.
Introducing the HostDime Core API
Rejoice programmers and developers! HostDime has created a simple API and released it to the public to do with what you wish.
5 Tips to Get the Most Out of SpamAssassin
99 problems but spam ain’t one. SpamAssassin is a trusted computer program that uses a large set of rules to filter your mail.
“Slow Down” Your Website Tomorrow for Net Neutrality
Net neutrality is the idea that ISPs and governments should treat all Internet data equally. Net neutrality is about democracy, and is essential to the future and growth of the global Internet.
Should You Buy New TLDs for Your Brand?
“Should you buy new top level domains for your brand?” Before we answer that question, let’s look at how we got here. Join me on memory lane with this brief timeline on TLDs: