Speed Up Your Cloud Server with HostDime’s Free CDN

cloud accelerator cdn

Slow websites frustrate users, and it hurts your SEO and conversions with high bounce rates and abandoned shopping carts. 40% of visitors abandon a site after 3+ seconds of load time. Each delayed second causes a 7% decrease in conversion rate; your money is literally lost by the second.

While a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can fix these problems, they are often too expensive and difficult to implement for website owners.

Well thanks to HostDime’s Cloud Accelerator, you and your users can benefit from lightning fast performance with zero effort required. Get CDN speed without the CDN price or complexity!

HostDime’s Cloud Accelerator leverages 20 data center locations around the global to provide an instant free CDN for web content hosted in our cloud infrastructure, speeding up your entire Virtual Server. Let’s dive into the benefits and how it works.


The Benefits of HostDime’s Free CDN

  • REDUCED LATENCY: The closer you are to your end user, the quicker your page will load, creating a great website experience and improved search rankings and sales.
  • HIGHER AVAILABILITY:  The Accelerator takes load off the origin server and if one location becomes unavailable, another location serves the content.
  • GREATER SCALABILITY: With your content distributed across many locations worldwide, your applications can handle higher traffic volume.

Now let’s see these benefits in action. Take a look at the following benchmark table, which shows the results of a virtual server running a typical e-commerce website with and without Accelerator enabled.

The Accelerator shrunk the file size almost 60%, reduced load time by over 50%, and resulted in 75% fewer file requests with no loss of quality.

How Does It Work?

No HTML changes or configurations are necessary, just flip the switch and watch your websites fly!

As you can see, the Accelerator lays between the hypervisor and the Virtual Server. This rewrites the URLs of static content to the CDN.

Firewall rules are applied on the hypervisor to reroute HTTP/HTTPS traffic through the Accelerator. The whole Virtual Server is now accelerated, regardless of how many websites are hosted. 

All static content is now automatically optimized, compressed, and distributed to the end user via the closest location.

HostDime’s Cloud Accelerator is available to all of our Cloud clients for FREE! To activate the Accelerator, log into your cloud, and go to your Virtual Servers tab under Appliances. You should see the toggle for Accelerate and with one click, your website is off to the races.

For any questions you may have, feel free to open a support ticket.


Jared Smith is HostDime’s SEO & Content Strategist.