Google Chrome Marking HTTP Sites “Not Secure” Within Days

ssl for https
This article was updated on June 26, 2018 and originally published on February 15, 2018.

Consider this your last warning before your visitors head for the hills. Sometime in July, rumored July 24th, Google Chrome version 68 will be stable. With this update, HTTP sites must be switched over to HTTPS or else visitor browsers will see a “Not Secure” next to the URL.

This is a huge deal, as well over a billion people have Google Chrome as their primary browser. Websites with insecure HTTP connections will be labeled to warn users that their passwords and credit card data may be compromised. All HTTP pages in Chrome will trigger the warning, even those without credit card forms.


E-commerce websites without an authorized SSL certificate will be in jeopardy of having customers turn away from their online business.
Significant switchover progress has been made in the last year. Only 21 of the top 100 websites at the beginning of 2017 deployed HTTPS; now, 81 of the top 100 sites use HTTPS by default. This won’t hurt the big boys of e-commerce; mom and pop small online businesses are the ones that need to pay attention.
HTTPS is a secure encryption that layers HTTP on top of cryptographic protocol Secure Sockets Layers (SSL), which supplies additional security to standard HTTP communications. SSL certificates are necessary for e-commerce sites, because of the secure transmission of sensitive information like credit card numbers, personal information, and login accounts.
Online merchants have a responsibility to make sure no one can access and misuse their customers’ private information. If you are storing credit card information in a database on your website so you can manually charge it later, then you need an SSL certificate to secure the credit card data stored on your server. If your business has any sort of log-in form where customers enter a username and password, then get an SSL certificate.

SSL Sale from HostDime

Luckily your pal HostDime is here so your customers will never see a warning on your page, instead seeing that trusty green lock.

All HostDime SSL Comodo Certificates, including new orders and renewals, are $10 off until the end of July, so that you lose no traffic.

  • Essential SSL is currently $20
  • Wildcard SSL is currently $140
  • EV SSL is currently $290

HostDime’s Comodo SSL certificates start at just $20 for a limited time. These certificates include domains validated, quick issuance, unlimited re-issues, 30 day refund, $10,000 warranty, 99.3% browser compatibility, and 128/256 bit Encyption.
For a comprehensive list of differences between the different types of SSL certificates, follow this guide.

If you are a current HostDime client, you can utilize this Resource Guide to order SSLs within Core directly.
Jared Smith is HostDime’s Content Strategist.

15 thoughts on “Google Chrome Marking HTTP Sites “Not Secure” Within Days

  1. Our programmer has done this in the past but said it required major changes. He wants to know if you will do this automatically or if it’s been made simpler since then. If we pay will we nee only the essential ssl or something else as our needs are pretty basic.

  2. The other issue is the need for a dedicated IP address. I have shared hosting / reseller accounts, and they still need a dedicated IP address which is now up to $5/month. Does hostdime have any discounts available on that… or plans to set up the servers so dedicated IPs are NOT required to run SSL?

    1. If you are on a server that supports SNI, we can provide a single IP address to their reseller account, which will become your new shared IP, and you can install as many certs as you would like. If you are not on SNL supported server, then yes you need a dedicated IP per domain. If you have any more questions regarding this, don’t hesitate to open a chat with us.

  3. First our web site doesn’t collect any info, data, or sales at all, do we still need a certificate? Will the “not secure” drive away visitors?
    Nate Vickery: How do you get a FREE SSL certificate? Our site is a free data base of information.

    1. Hi thanks for your question. With this new version of Chrome, all websites will need an SSL certificate to avoid the “Not Secure” warning.

  4. HTTPS encryption protects the channel between your browser and the website you’re visiting, ensuring no one in the middle can tamper with the traffic or spy on what you’re doing.

  5. Wow!!! I’ve got my solution. Great article. Thank u so much for sharing this lovely article. Keep creating idea like this. Thanks.

  6. Fantastic article, Now I recover my confusion with the help of this information. According this article now I understand why SSL certificates are necessary for e-commerce sites. The main theme of the secure transmission of sensitive information like credit card numbers, login accounts etc. Thanks

  7. WOW It’s a very helpfully guideline for beginner. I have 1 questions Am i use free SSL ? and it’s protect my website.

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