Whether you are considering being a web host for the first time or switching from another host, questions always arise about working with your new web hosting provider. Here we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions that the HostDime Sales team receives before someone signs up.
How HostDime’s Abuse and Security Team Helps Keep You Safe
In the web hosting industry, customer satisfaction is the number one priority. This extends not only to the initial purchase, but also to the protection of our customers and their servers, applications, and information. HostDime.com, Inc. fashioned an elite team to handle such challenges. The company’s Abuse and Security division is the first line of defense when protecting customers from vicious malware and malicious users.
Is it time to upgrade to a Dedicated Server?
Guest post by: Jonathan E.
Dedicated Server Specialist
A dedicated server provides an isolated environment for hosting accounts or other services, and gives you unparalleled configuration options that cannot be found within a Shared server. The most common indicator of a necessary upgrade is the exhaustion of CPU and RAM resources, due to a large amount of web requests.
Determining the type of hardware needed to support those requests depends on many factors, which can be analyzed by our Dedicated Server Team. Shared and Reseller accounts that are currently hosted with HostDime include cPanel, and will be migrated as a courtesy if an isolated solution is required. If a client is currently using an alternative control panel, our Transfers department will be glad to provide an ample amount of assistance to complete the move.
What’s So Dedicated About a Dedicated Server?
Sure, dedicated servers sound devoted, but are they? What’s so great about renting server space? HostDime is here to the rescue to answer some of these questions you […]