HostDime’s Five-Step Plan for a Winning Colocation Strategy

colocation strategy

In the ever-evolving intersection of business and technology, staying ahead of the competition is essential. It’s not just about adopting innovation; it’s about crafting a strategic approach that sets you apart. The key to unlocking this lies in the power of effective colocation.

Colocation is where you provide the equipment, and the colocation provider hosts it in their data center and provides the space, power, rack, and bandwidth. This is where HostDime comes in.

Your resources need redundancy, multiple geographic locations, rent, electricity backup, physical security, and cloud backups just to name a few. HostDime is uniquely positioned to help you achieve this; here’s our quick, five step plan for colocation success.


Step 1: Assess Your Needs

Before you make any infrastructure decision, it’s crucial to understand your business’s unique needs. Smaller operations and startups usually opt for the cloud because of the low overheard and lack of necessity for an IT staff. Larger enterprises often go the colocation route because it saves money in the long run, and it offers the benefit and flexibility that comes with total server control. There’s also the hybrid approach, which combines colocation servers with public clouds so that data and applications can move between the two for increased agility, security, and cost-effectiveness.


Step 2: Determine Your Location

Now it’s important to consider where you colocate your servers. For internal IT teams, proximity to your servers is key, while low-latency data delivery demands proximity to end users. HostDime is a pioneer in building data center facilities in unique global edge locations, rather than the saturated US/EU areas most data centers reside in. Purpose-built locations include Florida, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia, with Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, and India coming in the near future. With the ever-evolving need of localized data, HostDime is positioned to serve mission-critical infrastructure worldwide for decades to come.


Step 3: Choose the Right Partner

Your colocation partner is more than just a service provider; they’re a vital element of your business’s ecosystem. Most data centers today have been converted into a data center. These conversions lack modern considerations like multi-cloud, hybrid-cloud, or evolving internet architecture, hindering their compatibility with today’s complex connectivity needs. Conversely, when a data center is built from scratch, it is specifically designed and engineered to provide maximum uptime, security, and usability.

purpose built data centers


Step 4: Execute the Migration

A successful migration demands a comprehensive plan, including hardware documentation, proper labeling, and strategic placement within the colocation facility. Additionally, organizations must ensure the availability of recent data backups and a disaster recovery plan. Timing is essential to minimize disruptions, with moves scheduled during non-business hours or off-peak times for 24/7 operations. Organizations should also assess the feasibility of a phased migration approach. HostDime has handled countless successful migrations in our two decade history; our team of experts will walk you through each step for a seamless journey.


Step 5: Plan for Growth

A successful business strategy isn’t just about the present; it’s about anticipating the future. With HostDime’s colocation data centers, you’re stepping into environments designed for growth. Our state-of-the-art facilities are built with scalability in mind, ensuring that your IT infrastructure evolves seamlessly as your business expands. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to limitless possibilities.


HostDime’s Colocation Data Centers

With hyper edge purpose-built data centers built and maintained by us, with 24/7 teams to watch over your hardware, we craft hybrid solutions to meet your needs and save you money.

We offer an array of core digital infrastructure products and services including colocation (private data center suites, cages, racks), interconnection (cross-connects, peering, transit), Hardware-as-a-Service (bare metal servers, lease-to-own servers, hardware procurement), cloud infrastructure (private, hybrid, multi-cloud), and managed services (server management, remote hands, smart hands). Open a ticket with our local, in-house infrastructure team to create your own customizable set-up today!