The following is a detailed explanation on performing an account data transfer upon client request.
cPanel & WHM 54 in CURRENT Tier, 11.48 Reaching End of Life
It’s highly recommended that all HostDime customers migrate any existing installations of 11.48 to 11.50, 11.52, or 54.
How to Back Up Your Clients’ Accounts Automatically
There are some independent and commercial scripts created to back up your clients’ accounts automatically without root access.
How HostDime’s Infrastructure Helps Bangladesh’s Fastest Growing Web Host Provider
HostMight uses HostDime dedicated servers and its network to empower Bangladesh clients.
Managed Dedicated Servers Explained
Here’s exactly what is included with HostDime’s managed dedicated servers.
Critical Security Vulnerability Found in Joomla. Update to 3.4.6 Now
Yesterday afternoon, Joomla released Version 3.4.6 to address 4 security vulnerabilities. It is highly recommended that users should immediately upgrade to version 3.4.6.
How to Achieve the Fastest Resolution to Your Support Ticket
We pride ourselves on answering support tickets at breakneck speed, but we can be even faster with your help. In order to receive the quickest support, it is helpful for us to have as much information as possible.
Average DDoS Attacks are Increasing in Size
“Extremely large attacks grab the headlines, but it is the increasing size of the average DDoS attack that is causing headaches for enterprises.”
HostDime Holding Open Interviews for Coders Dec. 3-4
HostDime’s DevOps team will be conducting open interviews at our Research Park office, from 10AM to 5PM on Thursday, December 3, and Friday, December 4.
IGF 2015 Panel Video: HostDime Brazil’s Data Center and the Importance of Localization
David Vivar, HostDime’s VP of Engineering, USA & Global, speaks on the “Local Infrastructure is Local Development” panel at the 2015 Internet Governance Forum.