Lack of regional competition, poor infrastructure, and limited access to high-speed Internet is keeping cloud costs high in Latin America.
REMINDER: Back up Your Data and Have a Disaster Recovery Plan
Today is World Backup Day, which always precedes April Fools Day to remind you that only fools don’t have a data back up and recovery plan.
Can You Claim Your Web Server as a Tax Deduction? (2023 Update)
With W-2’s soon landing in mailboxes and inboxes around the country, online business owners are looking for every tax deduction they can get.
Get Serious about Email Protection with HostDime’s Spam Filter
As long as your private information and bank account are online, there will always be malware trying to exploit it. Malware, phishing, ransomware, and viruses are the problem. We believe we have the solution with our Cloud-Based Spam Filter.
Buy Server Hardware Directly from HostDime, Lifetime Warranty Included!
If you’re looking to make a worthwhile investment for your enterprise by purchasing your own hardware over leasing, trust HostDime and our hardware lifetime warranty.
5G Gaming Needs More Global Edge Data Centers to Succeed
To match the high bandwidth and low latency demand of 5G gaming, cloud gaming companies must connect to as many PoPs as possible.
The Many Benefits of Hardware as a Service
Hardware as a Service makes owning a server easier than ever. Mixing renting and colocation provides the most flexible deal for your needs and a price point that works for your business.
Mitigate Your Risk with HIPAA Compliant Data Centers
It has become a necessity for healthcare providers to move their infrastructure and outsource it to a HIPAA compliant data center.
Comparing Data Egress Fees Among Cloud Providers
Data egress fees are one of the cloud’s biggest hidden costs. Take a look at the data egress comparison chart to see how much your business will save with HostDime Cloud versus AWS, Azure, and GCP.
Public vs Private vs Hybrid Cloud – Which is Right for You?
As businesses look to strategize on how to streamline their infrastructure, let’s take a look at public vs private vs hybrid cloud deployments.