As we bid a fond farewell to 2018, let’s reflect on the year that went by way too fast. Here’s some highlights from the last 12 months.
BBU vs CacheVault vs CacheCade: Which RAID Add-On is Right for You?
While RAID solutions excel at data storage and protection, you have to sacrifice a little bit of speed. To combat this and keep things running fast, there’s configuration options like BBU, CacheVault, and CacheCade. Let’s dive into the benefits of each.
Brace Yourself: Your WordPress Editor is About to Look Very Different
Wordpress 5.0 is coming any day now, and it features a brand new block-based post editor called Gutenberg. Early reviews are not encouraging.
Create Your Own URL Shortener to Promote Your Brand
If you aren’t using your own URL shortener, now’s the time to change that. Read this guide and create your own URL in five minutes.
CYBER MONDAY SALE IS LIVE! Take 20% OFF EVERY MONTH On New VPS and Dedicated Servers
Let the Cyber Monday party begin! Today and tomorrow, HostDime is offering 20% off each and every month for the life of your new VPS or dedicated server.
HostDime Staff Raises $1300 for Autism Speaks
This past weekend, members of the HostDime team participated in the “Walk for Autism” fundraiser in Altamonte Springs, Florida, to help raise money for Autism Speaks! Our goal was $700, but we almost doubled the amount and our generous team ended up raising over $1300!
Behold the New HostDime Resources Knowledge Base
HostDime’s new knowledge base, powered by Atlassian Confluence, features helpful guides, How To’s, informative tools, answers to server questions, and more easy-to-digest resources served with a simple, clean design.
Which PHP Handler is Best for My Server?
Dive into the pros and cons of five PHP handlers, and determine which one is best suitable for your specific server operations.
HostDime and the Historic Town of Eatonville Share a Bright Future Together
HostDime is happy to celebrate over 12 years of operating a data center in the Historic Town of Eatonville, as we look ahead to the exciting future we both share.
Sometimes You Just Need to Block a Whole Countries’ Traffic. Here’s How.
CSF turns your server into a powerful firewall and intrusion detection system. This firewall has the nifty ability to block an entire countries’ traffic.